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Don’t Be Idle About Your Idols (1 Corinthians 10:1-22) | Imperfect Series

Paul warns the church in Corinth about the incredible danger of idolatry by reminding them of the story of the exodus. They were a people who had been saved by the blood of a lamb. They had experienced a baptism which had buried their past and drowned their enemies in the deep. They had their own equivalent of the Lord’s Table where they “all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink.” yet despite all God had provided for them they fell into idolatry and ultimately that idolatry led to their destruction. If we are tempted to believe that a similar fate would never befall us Paul makes it very clear that the temptation to idolatry is a constant one, but he also promises us that God in his grace will also give us all we need to escape it.


Sermon Notes:

  • Your past blessings do not guarantee your future blessings. (vs. 1-6)
  • Idolatry is the core temptation every generation will face. (vs. 7-12 & 16-22)
  • “The jealousy of God is the measure of his zeal for our happiness in him. His anger at our spiritual adultery, at our having other lovers besides him, is a reflex both of his zeal for his own worth, but also of his zeal for our joy. If we turn away from him as the greatest treasure, we turn away from our own greatest pleasure.” John Piper
  • Every sin is rooted in idolatry.
  • God gives you the grace you need to escape your idolatry. (vs. 13-14)


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