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Daniel and the Lions Den | Darryl Siemens (Daniel 6)

If you’ve ever read a children’s bible you’ve probably come across this story, accompanied by a picture of cuddly, cute lions, with smiles on their faces. What I’m guessing you didn’t see in those children’s bible pictures was the bones and blood splatters of all the previous victims the Lions had killed and eaten but I’m guessing that’s what Daniel would have seen as he was thrown into their den. But Daniel didn’t join the ranks of the previous victims who had been eaten by the lion. Because Daniels faith in God was greater than his fear of men God rescued him. The same remains true today, for all of us that place our faith in God above all else, demonstrating that faith through walking in obedience to him, no matter how difficult the situations we may find ourselves in, our rescue through Christ is assured.

Question for the Rewind Podcast?