We live in a culture where everything feels up for grabs and change seems to be the only constant. On a macro level in Canada, we have experienced and are continuing to experience huge economic, political, geo-political, technological, and cultural upheaval. On a personal level many people are in the midst of situations that have or will turn their lives as they’ve known them upside down. We live in uncertain times. And yet, as human beings we have a deep need for certainty. So, is there anything we can be certain of in these uncertain times? Romans 8:31-39 answers that question with a resounding YES! No matter what this world may throw at us, if we are followers of Jesus, we can be certain of God’s love for us demonstrated through the death and resurrection of Jesus and his sure and certain victory over sin, Satan, and death. If we plant our feet and put our faith in Jesus we have a certain hope that will not disappoint us.