When Jesus was asked what the greatest command is, He replied: ““Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and most important command.” If being a disciple of Jesus is learning to obey all that He commands, then it would seem being a disciple has to start with growing our love for God. The question then is how? How do we grow our love for God? In 1 John 4:10 the apostle John gives us the secret, by growing in our knowledge and understanding of just how much God has loved us! If we are going to grow as disciples who love God, we are going to have to grow in our knowledge of the God who loves us. Most particularly we are going to need to keep our eyes fixed on the cross as the ultimate testament to God’s overwhelming love for us. Application:
Are you participating in spiritual disciplines that are drawing you into the presence and love of God?
Are you daily spending time in God’s word and in prayer?
Invite people to understand God’s love for them more clearly and deeply by taking the NT from 30,000 ft class or if they are a young adult the practicing Sabbath class.