God is infinite. He existed before anything or anyone else. He alone is uncreated. He alone is without any needs. As Father, Son and Spirit He even has perfect relationship within Himself, which means He did not create humanity because He was lonely or in need of companionship or love. God needs nothing! When He asks us to give, first ourselves but also our time and our treasure, it is not because He needs. Instead, it is an invitation that He extends to us for our benefit and good and for His glory.
November 21, 2023 |
#forward #forwardchurchcambridge #churchonline #GODis #love #series God is infinite. He existed before anything or anyone else. He alone is uncreated. He alone is without any needs. As Father, Son and Spirit He even has perfect relationship within Himsel
MoreNovember 21, 2023 |
#forward #forwardchurchcambridge #churchonline #GODis #love #series God is infinite. He existed before anything or anyone else. He alone is uncreated. He alone is without any needs. As Father, Son and Spirit He even has perfect relationship within Himsel