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The Discipline of Communion (Derik Fuller) 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 (C)

“Do this in remembrance of me.” This was the command given to the disciples in the Upper Room as they took the bread and the cup together on the night Jesus was betrayed. This command to regularly partake of the bread and the cup through the practice of communion is then repeated and given to the whole church by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11. The taking of these elements functions as a tangible and constant reminder to all followers of Jesus not only of the price that was paid for our forgiveness but also of the reality of the forgiveness we have received, of the extent of the grace that has been poured out us, and of the fact that Jesus will return to finish what he started and complete the work of making all things new. Communion is a time for us to celebrate the incredibly good news of Jesus.

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