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May 5 2024 | Full Service (K)

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Rewind Episode 217: MAKING SENSE OF AUTHORITIES AND INJUSTICE | Searching for Meaning

How should we respond to authorities? What should our posture be towards those who are in authority? Is there ever a time to rebel against the authorities that God has placed over us? These are some of the questions The Teacher seeks to answer in this section. One thing we can know for certain, no matter who appears to be in charge in this world, God alone rules over all things and even though we may not always be able to see of understand what He is doing, we can trust Him.

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April 28 2024 | Full Service (K)

How should we respond to authorities? What should our posture be towards those who are in authority? Is there ever a time to rebel against the authorities that God has placed over us? These are some of the questions The Teacher seeks to answer in this section. One thing we can know for certain, no matter who appears to be in charge in this world, God alone rules over all things and even though we may not always be able to see of understand what He is doing, we can trust Him.

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April 21 2024 | Full Service (K)

It might appear that the teacher in this section is calling people to pursue a life of moderation. One where we try to walk a balance of being perceived as either a “sinner” or a “saint.” Instead, the warning here is that there are two dangers we can fall into in life, living a life of destructive licentiousness or a life of self-righteous legalism. In truth no amount of sin will satisfy us and no amount of “saintly” behaviour is able to save us from death only the righteousness of Jesus is able to save us.

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April 14 2024 | Full Service (K)

One thing is certain living in this world, sooner or later life gets hard. No matter how hard we may try to avoid the troubles of this world, sooner or later those troubles will find us. So how do we respond when adversity hits? How should we live when life gets hard? The Teacher has some wisdom to offer us that we won’t find in the world. First, live in denial about your mortality. Second, embrace correction. Third don’t take the easy way out. Even in the difficult times God is in control and you can trust him.

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April 7 2024 | Full Service (K)

One of the blessings of Ecclesiastes is the Teachers constant reminder that God has given us good gifts to enjoy under the sun. However, those gifts can easily become gods. When gifts become gods not only will we not find the security and satisfaction we are looking for we also won’t be able to enjoy what God gives us to enjoy. When we search for that which can only be found in our creator in what he was created the end result is misery.

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March 31 2024 | Full Service (K)

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Rewind Episode 212: Meaningful Worship, Meaningless Words | Searching for Meaning

At the beginning of Chapter 5 the teacher gives instruction about how we ought to worship. The Teacher wants us to know that real worship, meaningful worship, doesn’t start with our mouths but with our ears. More than ritualistic praises, he longs for followers who give Him thoughtful attention and obedience.

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March 24 2024 | Full Service (K)

At the beginning of Chapter 5 the teacher gives instruction about how we ought to worship. The Teacher wants us to know that real worship, meaningful worship, doesn’t start with our mouths but with our ears. More than ritualistic praises, he longs for followers who give Him thoughtful attention and obedience.

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March 17 2024 | Full Service (K)

In this section of Ecclesiastes, we find three ways of living: we can live lives of isolation, lives of surface level popularity and fame or lives where we engage in true, authentic community. As the teacher unpacks these three ways of living one things becomes clear, life is better together.