No person has all the gifts, we need each other. Spiritual gifts when used properly should lead to greater unity in the church, not division. After all what we share in common through Jesus far outweighs our differences and it’s when we come together and use our gifts in unison that Jesus is most clearly seen by the world around us.
Sermon Notes:
If you are a disciple of Jesus, being part of the body is normal, not optional. (vs. 12-13)
The body is made to have unity in diversity. (vs. 12-20)
If God has led you here, then you belong here. (vs. 18)
The body needs the people nobody wants and the people nobody sees (vs. 21-25)
The body of Christ is designed to be a caring community. (vs. 25-26)
The body is the hands and feet of Jesus for a hurting and broken world. (vs. 27-31)